2018 Hurricane Preparedness Webinar for Municipal and Public Safety Officials, Emergency Managers, and Public and Private Sector Stakeholders Engaged in Hurricane Preparedness

“The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Weather Service, and the National Hurricane Center, is pleased to announce two offerings of the 2018 Hurricane Preparedness Webinar to assist emergency management and public safety partners in preparing for the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

This 90 minute interactive presentation will focus on National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center decision support products and services and discuss state and federal hurricane planning and preparedness efforts. The target audience for this webinar includes local, state and federal emergency management and public safety officials across the Commonwealth.

This webinar will be offered twice.  Please save the date for one of the following offerings:


SESSION 1: TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1:00PM – 3:00PM  SESSION 2: WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 10:0AM – 12:00PM”

2018 Hurricane Webinar Save the Date MEMA2018 Hurricane Webinar Save the Date MEMA

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